Friday, February 23, 2007

Ultraman Mebius & Ultraman Brothers English subs SRT file released!

I've recently received the Ultraman Mebius & Ultraman Brothers DVD I've ordered from Amazon Japan. The special edition of the DVD comes with a few special items, such as the script and story board pictures. Sadly, the movie only includes Japanese subtitles. But luckily, because of the Japanese subtitles, I am able to slowly translate it into English, with the help of my handy Furigana dictionaries.

James Ballard, a regular on the Ultraman Lah forum gave the movie a very detailed and positve review. You can check it out here. I enjoyed the movie thoroughly, and thought that it was a very fitting movie for a 40th anniversary special. The appearances from the older actors really brings back lots of memories, not to mention a sense of nostalgia which sweeps through your entire body when you see the actors back in their young days decades ago.

I've initially decided to encode the movie and to host it on a tracker for downloads, and not to release the srt file because I wanted to fans to enjoy the show in high definition. I did all the decoding, translations, timing and encoding work, but I was unable to upload the movie because of its size of over 620mb. After several requests from the Lah forum, I have decided to forget about finding a good upload site and to just release the srt file. I'm still a little reluctant to do this, because some people will have trouble with the timing of my srt file, as they might try to load it with other raws or the mandarin version. Luckily, Shonokin from the forum shows a good way to solve this problem.

With that, I present to you the srt file here. If you want to thank me for what I've done, just leave a message here on this blog post. I'm happy enough knowing that there are people all over who appreciate the time I've taken for the translation and the timing. If the file expires, just leave a message in the shoutout box and I will update it again shortly.

Thank you and please enjoy the movie. I know I did. 皆さん、お楽しみください!ウルトラマンメビウス&ウルトラ兄弟の映画をきっと見ました!すぐに英語に翻訳をしました!


Anonymous said...

Thanks a ton, Psyke! You're a good man! :D

Anonymous said...

By the way, if you ever want a spelling/grammar checker for your subs, let me know. Great subs, but there were several errors I caught... Don't take offense to that, though! My mom is a former English major, so that sort of thing has really been drilled into me over my lifetime to the point where it's a knee-jerk reaction. Anyway, I didn't think it'd hurt to offer and even though I'm not nearly good enough to translate subs myself, I'd love to help the process along any way I could. ^^;;

Psyke aka Sean (ショーン) said...

Yeah I noticed some myself, but was either lazy to edit or forgot about it.... haha....

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the English subtitles.
Unlike Toei,Tsuburaya actually released Ultraman movies with Japanese subtitles even the DVDs were released for Japanese market.A friend of mine who knew Chinese language can actually knew part of the storyline because of the Japanese subtitles in the DVD.Please keep up the work of translating Japanese subtitles.

Anonymous said...

Hi Psyke, Lynn here from the UMLah forum! Thanks a bunch for your awesome subs, this is coming a bit late so I thought I'd leave a comment here instead of bringing it up on the forum (where you might miss it anyway!). The movie's enjoyment just increased tenfold thanks to you. ^^

Of course, I'm totally in favour of you subbing the Mebius series episode, but I realise that's quite a task. Maybe you can just do the ones with the Showa cameos, fufufu. xP

Thanks again!

Psyke aka Sean (ショーン) said...

Haha. I'd like to sub the Mebius series, but I'm not good enough. I only did the movie because I had the jap subs on the DVD. I'll consider subbing in the future when my jap gets better though. :)

nugie said...

I am very happy finally I could find the english subtitle for this movie.
But unfortunately, the file in sendspace already deleted.
Would you please upload the "Ultraman Mebius & Ultraman Brothers" english subtitle again?

Thanks in advanced

Anonymous said...

Anyone..please reupload the subtitle.........

Anonymous said...

May you send the srt file to my email please, I'm late to download it.
Please send it to
I really appreciate you. Thnak you very much.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am also very very happy to find out the english subtitle for this movie.But in sendspace they already deleted the files.
Would you please please upload the "Ultraman Mebius & Ultraman Brothers" english subtitle again?

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

May you send the srt file to my email please.......
So Please please n very please send it to
I really appreciate you......

Anonymous said...

May you send the srt file to my email please.......
So Please please n very please send it to
I really appreciate you......

Kamen Steven said...

Excuse me, can you upload again in sendspace? the link already delete... Thank you very much

Anonymous said...

Dear Psyke,
Please upload the srt file again. I am so glad I finally find this eng sub.

Thank you in advance

Anonymous said...

Hi,please help to email the SRT file to my

tq tq very much...

Zack said...

Yo, I'm glad I finally found a place I can get the SRT file. But it expired, can you email me the file pls? its (

Thx a bunch

yourdz said...

Please send me a copy of the .srt file. thanks!

yourdz said...

please send me .SRT file through or

Anonymous said...

please send SRT file to you da man!! tnx in advance! ^^

Unknown said...

Could you please send the .srt file to I would appreciate it a lot if you could do it and thank you in advance.

Unknown said...

i would love it if you would send the srt file to