I was activated back home by Mabel on Thursday morning, while I was still in a busy state at work. Rushed home, ate early lunch, and headed for the hospital. After hours of waiting and walking up and down the stairways, Rena was finally delivered. Our angel has finally arrived.

The whole event was simply amazing. I'm still awed by the miracle of birth as I type this. It's an experience which words cannot imagine. In the end, Mabel and I are just glad everything is fine and we're thankful for the smooth and safe delivery.

These pics were taken minutes after Rena "popped" out, and she's still pretty dazed but definately facinated by her surrounding. She weighs 3.23kgs, and her exact birth date and time is 28th of November 2008, 12.53am. Expect another update soon!

hey there =)
she is beautiful =) congrats on your new princess!!! =D take care!
- Kai Ling
Thanks! You can always check out my facebook account for more pics!
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