Mabel's birthday falls on the 31st of May. Since it's going to be a weekday (which I have already reserved hor), some of our friends got together and decided to celebrate it in advance. We met up around early evening and headed towards the tiny little island south of Singapore: Sentosa. (If you have noticed I have deliberately left out Mabel's age in this post due security and confidentiality issues.... but sharp eyed readers will be able to spot something....)

The guys (me, William and Adrian) started the day off with a beach soccer session with 3 other strangers on the beach. Not surprisingly, the 3 of us were outrun by the other guys which were at least 6 years younger than us. However, we did manage to outplay them and scored 2 goals first, before we got really tired and started lazy tactics such as long balls and a one man defence strategy. In the end the game ended in a draw, and we were celebrating the last goal too as my aching body was telling me I'm getting too old for this.
The girls on the other hand were also working their best and putting their sincerest efforts in trying to laze around in the sun. They were quite good in that area and were also having a good time with photo taking challenges in between snacks and conversations (usually office politics or other taboo talking points). Some of us also went on this short but expensive ride in Sentosa, which includes a slow ride up the slope and a fast decend using a sort of "skateboards with steering wheels".
Dinner at Sakae sushi was great, and we ordered a huge amount of food, with enough variety to wet anybody's appettite. I've been having lots of Sushi lately, especially last week when we had a wing cohesion makan outing at another Sushi outlet....we whacked over 200 plates that day. Nothing to lose, since it was a free for all buffet. The dinner ended with an ice cream cake from Swensons. After the obligatory photo shooting session, we headed to another spot on Sentosa for a round of drinks before we finally headed home.

This week I finally got my hands on my Zero figure! Thanks to David (King Kaiju) who reserved a piece for me in his shop. Zero is the other Makai Knight from the series Garo. He first appeared as Kouga's enemy, but in the end they joined forces to defeat the dark Makai Knight Kiba. I've managed to convert some friends into Garo fans, and even burnt a few copies in DVD to pass to my friends, such as Simon. It's a great series, and I can't wait for season 2. According to Tv Nihon, a TV special is also in the works. Starting to save money for the next volume of the figure, which will feature Garo + Gouten.

Haven't posted about Hello! Project in quite some time now, so here is an update!
On April 28, 2006, it was announced by Tsunku from his official website that 5th Generation members Asami Konno and Makoto Ogawa are going to graduate. Asami will graduate on July 23, 2006 to go to University, and Makoto will graduate on a yet to be announced date in August to study a language abroad. Asami will be leaving both Morning Musume and the Hello! Project. Makoto will graduate from Morning Musume but still remain in the Hello! Project. Another 2 long serving members gone. Well, people are already looking forward to the next MM audition.
Viyuden's (美勇伝) new single is also out. This is their first single following the release of their debut album a few months ago. The title is 一切合切 あなたにあ・げ・る♪(Issai Gassai Anata ni A GE RU). The B track is called キョウモマッテマス (Kyou mo mattemasu).
A new Morning Musume (モーニング娘) single is also about to be released soon. Titled "Ambitious! Yashinteki de Ii Jan" (Ambitious!野心的でいいじゃん), it will be their 28th single, and will be the last single with Konno Asami and Ogawa Makoto.
Too many familiar faces are disappearing in less than 2 years, Rika, Mari, Iida, and now Asami and Makoto. Not too sure how many more years MM can go before other groups in H!P overtake them as the icon for the company.