There are lots more where these came from, but until I have time to upload everything, you'll just have to settle for the other banners first. I will also be uploading the various animated gifs which I have done over the years. Do stay tuned, and visit http://ultranosekai.50webs.com/psykecreations.htm

It's amazing how fast babies grow, and you know what they say, kids grown up so fast you'll miss it if you blink your eyes. Alex, particularly, has grown to be a really active little toddler. Here you can see him bouncing on my family jewels which prompted the dorky reaction from me. Good training for the arms though. Not too sure how much damage was done, but at least Alex seemed to have a good time. :)

It was good seeing some of the old instructors of 52/03 too, such as Wenshun and Jack. Brings back some of the good old memories, and although it was a shame that some of the other instructors such as Darryl and Sam didn't make it, we'd most probably organise another one soon.

It's been quite some time since the last time I showed my harvest, so right now I'll show you in 2 different pictures what I've got for myself in the past month. Not too many, but I just decided to go on a Kamen Rider spending spree since Mabel's on a change-your-hair-do spending spree. Most of the figures are from KR: Kabuto, and I finally got my Ultra Hero Series: Dark Zagi and Ultraman Noa, courtesy of Dennis and Sze Huat from the forums.
And more recently, I visited King Kaiju's shop and got for myself an ApexT Ultraman figure (yes it's a Chaiyo model so sue me), and finally got that KR Black figure which I've always wanted. Black's gone a long way since I've watched his series on the RTM channels back in primary school, dubbed in Malay no less.
Also got the entire set of the SD Kamen Rider series, which features mainly the Kabuto riders plus some of the other new age riders. Also got the Soul of Soft Vinyl figures for KR Nigou and Super 1.
Tony from the Ultraman Lah forums suggested that I do up some posters to promote the site, so that the shop owners of the shops which we frequent can display them up. It's a great idea, for fans to know of our site and as well as for the shop to do some advertising for themselves through our forum too. I've done up 5 different variations, but we've yet to decide on which one yet. Expect to see them flying all over Singapore toy shops soon. :)
We're also made most of the arrangements for our trip to Tokyo in July. It's a pity we're only gonna stay there for 5 days, but the highlight will undoubtly be the ULFES. It's Ultraman's 40th anniversary, and it's gonna be a big event in Tokyo. I've also designed a series of T-shirts for the forum members who are going there together, and the selected design is shown on the right. We're planning to print the forum logo as well as the words "ULFES 2006 Tokyo" on the back, and maybe our forum nicks by the side of the sleeves too. Thanks to Chris from the forums for volunteering to help with the printing!
I've also downloaded and watched 2 Kamen Rider movies lately. They're Kamen Rider: The First, and Kamen Rider Hibiki and the 7 Onis. I've enjoyed both, although one of them I had to listen to the Jap as there was no subtitles available. Still, it was extremely watchable .
If you haven't heard, Mabel just came from from her shopping trip to Taipei with her colleagues. It was a pure shopping and eating holiday, and she sure had fun there without me around to nag on her spending. And saying I was annoyed is an understatement when all she got for me there were Pineapple tarts. Well, at least the trip to Japan's coming. And Mabel must be having a blast these 3 months: first Shanghai, then Taiwan, and now Japan. Shiok hor?

Hi, guantanamera121212
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