Regarding our client Kago Ai and the article in the weekly magazine that went on sale on March 26th, the information in the article has been verified with Kago herself, to our regret. One year ago, when Kago was 17 and the smoking problem happened, we still considered her future in this company, and as punishment, she was imposed to house arrest in her parents' home. Seeing how she had progressed over that year, it was decided to start from scratch and start preparing for a comeback by bringing her to Tokyo and having her do clerical and other office duties, starting on January 23rd. Although this worked out well for two months, there was another incident and the comeback plan was abandoned. After consulting with the family, as she is a minor, it has been confirmed, and she has been released from her contract. We're very sorry that it has come to this, and accept full responsibility. We feel a renewed sense of responsibility for the future, especially when it comes to minors. 2007/3/26 Up Front Agency Kawaguchi Yuukichi, Representative Director
It seems that the other incident mentioned in the statement was that Kago was caught by the media (0r paparazzi) holding hands with a middle aged man which apparently was married. Just when her suspension was about to be over, she does something incredibly stupid again. Well, here is a mini tribute for her in the form of a youtube clip:
Good bye, Aibon. You were fantastic till you became fat and had your career self destruct. Now, run along and go smoke by yourself.

Five hundred years ago, a landlord was attacked by demons wanting to retrieve his mysterious inner power, the invincible power that can help them take over the human world. The famous mage, Tokimori Hazama, was called upon, and with his 2 students, managed to save the whole land. But due to their sickness, the landlord got killed, his power buried with him at a site called Karasumori. In the present day, Yoshimori Sumimura and Tokine Yukimura, heirs of the Hazama clan, became the kekkaishi protecting the land and the power. They use a technique called Kekkai, a form of magical barrier, used to capture and destroy Ayakashi (monsters/demons) that are drawn to this land. Any demons that come near to the power will become stronger and therefore Yoshimori and Tokine are to guard the land from intrusion by the Ayakashi. But the demons form a powerful organization, led by a nine-tailed demon fox to take over that mysterious power. Yoshimori plans to destroy not only the demons, but also the power to completely save the world from being controlled by demons. To do that, he first need to know what the power actually is, and also strengthen his poor kekkai skills. Kekkaishi is translated as "Barrier master".